
Saturday 27 April 2013

Getting into vintage by Chris W

A friend of mine asked me recently how did I start doing vintage and shabby projects and I can't really remember. I've loved vintage for years and have a massive collection of vintage dies that go way back before Tim Holtz started making it popular. That said, Tim has not only brought it to the forefront of crafting he has also brought us products that make it so easy to create anything from cards to altered art and for that we have to thank him. It occurred to me that if she is struggling to make that first step then maybe some of you are too so I've done this really simple frame to get you started.

Time Frame

My friend told me that she was loathed to buy anything too expensive until she knew she could do it. I'll let you into a secret..... ANYONE can do it and once you've done a card or project or two you'll find it so easy. This piece uses Tim's Postage stamp frame, his Movers and shapers Ovals and a stamp from his Time Travellers stamp set all of which are great for non-vintage projects too. If you don't have any greyboard or mountboard you can use thick cardboard. It makes a great little gift for Dad or any guy and, once you have the bits you need to make it the materials cost pennies.

You can embellish this frame as simply or lavishly as you like and in so many ways. I've just added a charm on a chain on this one and attached it by just pushing it between the sandwiched frame layers - what could be easier.

I've made a very, very basic easel for the back of the frame by folding a piece of greyboard (you could use sturdy cardboard) and a piece of thin string, knotted, which is how they did it years ago.

This really is such a simple make and demonstrates that it can be so easy to make that first step.

Thanks for stopping by. If you'd like to view, print or download the instructions for this please click HERE.

Chris xxx


  1. Love this Chris. We all need reminders/ideas to keep the ole mojo firing on all cylinders and this is such a great idea. Love that easel frame and the fantastic instructions. Have a great weekend, hugs Jenny x

  2. I so love the Time Travellers stamps Chris and this is a wonderful project. The frame and background are beautiful. The metal embellies really set it off.


    Annie x

  3. Fabulous project and great how-to description - off to have a go at making my own version of this now! Hugs, Anne x

  4. Love the postage stamp as a frame, and the easel stand you've created is such a great idea - thank you for sharing it. The vintage look is fabulous too!
    Alison x

  5. Thank you so much for demystifying this! The postage stamp frame had completely passed me by and I think I might buy it having seen what you have made - my second CVC purchase based on one of your makes!

    Lucy x
