
Wednesday 20 August 2014

Where There is Tea There Is Love

Hello Everyone and welcome to my second project this month where I am again using the Graphic 45 Botanical Tea Papers - they are just so gorgeous I could play with them forever! I have chosen to make a 6 x 6 card layering different elements from the Botanical Tea 8 x 8 paper stack.

When making a layered card such as this I like to machine stitch around the edges as it does make for a good even finish. My machine is set up permanently with white cotton and I always make sure that I can get it onto the table and plugged in quickly - it is the only way! Make it easy and you will use it!  When machine stitching don't glue everything down just add a little bit of tape runner to the middle of the piece just to hold it in place otherwise you will gum up the machine.

I have now added some more layers and although the little stamps are difficult to stitch around it is worth it for the final effect. I find stitching on paper far easier than material as it doesn't move! And don't worry about the tension at the back - no one is going to see it.

You can also see that I am using a label with a piece cut away for another project. My cluster of flowers can cover this area and so layering is another great way to use up all those pieces.

And then it was down to making a few embellishments. Flowers and leaves were cut from the same papers for consistency and a white lattice border just adds a little barrier between the background and the flowers.

Thank you for joining me today and I hope you are having as much fun with these papers as I am!

Jennie x

Live the Dream


  1. Such a pretty card. I love the tip about the sewing machine, thank you for sharing.

  2. Beautiful card Jennie and I love your little accent of cheesecloth at your flowers.
    Julie x

  3. The papers are gorgeous and so is your card Jennie! Anne x

  4. Beautiful card and love the stitching - I too have my machine up permanently or I wouldn't use it - the layout you have created is stunning so well balanced x Hilda

  5. A stunning inspirational card Jennie, and yes, the stitching just really adds that special touch! Love how you have layered it all up and the flowers and cheese cloth finish it off to perfection!!

  6. Love this Jennie and all your finishing touche.
    I have just rearranged my tiny craft room so I can fit in my sewing machine , as you say , see it use it!
    Thanks for the inspiration,

  7. That is one gorgeous card! Love it!
