
Friday 26 June 2015

The end is a new beginning

I have a new small Moleskin journal - I like to use a variety of sizes as the mood takes me so I might have 5 journals all in various states of completion at any one time! I work from the outside pages in so that the journal lays flat as you use it. I used the first pages at the front of the journal first so the next pages to use were what will be the last pages. Hence the theme being "the end".
I brayered Beach Hut paint on the page using a blob of paint about a centimetre wide (you really don't need much!) then I added Bougainvillea, Concrete and Yellow Submarine in that order, drying each layer before adding the next. I then added double the amount of Snowflake Paint so the colours beneath peek through.
The border and stem and leaf were stamped on tissue paper and glued into place. The flowerhead was stamped in Bougainvillea (clean your stamp straight away!) and then in black ink. I added the centre which was stamped on card.
The journalling spot was stamped on tissue paper, cut it out and used Bougainvillea for the border (painted on the reverse). I then added the sentiment and throughly dried it before adhering it to the page. Then I used old lids and an expired credit card to make circles and lines. I then added the odd word stamp from various sets as final flourishes. Thank you for stopping by today, do let me know what you'd add to your final page of a journal!


  1. now that's a good idea, I've never thought of that... Love the bright sunny pages!

  2. beautiful use of colour - lovely xx

  3. Love that background, gorgeous colours! xx

  4. Love the colours good idea about pages will give it a go.

  5. Gorgeous page, I love the bright colours..
