
Sunday 26 July 2015

Summer Canvas Workshop photos

Hi Everyone I hope it is a good Sunday wherever you are.

Here are some of the photos from our Summer Canvas workshop held last Thursday. There were 19 amazing participants and I would like to show you some photos from the day. You'll need to grab a cuppa as there are quite a few lol.

The day started quiet and calm with everything prepped and ready. You can see how spacious and light the hall is in Flitwick, there is loads of room for us to move around.

We soon got into  getting the texture laid down in the first few layers using gesso, old dictionary paper, die-cuts, texture paste and stamping .....

...... and before long everyone was in full swing making their own unique multimedia design.

Coffee and tea with biscuits and cakes is on tap all day .......

.... and there is usually some light hearted jesting - well it does look like a bit of fun doesn't it?????

It was lovely to catch up with old friends who have been to these workshops before and to welcome new people to our group.

Oh look it's our Nikki again from the CVC Design Team with Cathryn, Nikki is always up for a laugh and never shy of having her photo taken ......

... and Jane and Chris seem to be enjoying themselves too.

Along the row were Hazel and Sheena who remained hard at work all day learning new techniques and being very creative .....

... as were Gillian and Heather .....

.... and Anne and Kate.

Jacqui seems to be taking a step back and pondering on what she wants to do next with Sue and Margaret beside her.

 Lynda and Diane look as though they are preparing their leaves and getting ready to add their embellishments to the canvas background.....

.... so too are Kathy, Ann and Carol.

Susan was on hand to lend a helping hand and brought along goodies for people to buy.

You know people are really into the creating process when they stand up and of course looking at how others are getting on as well.

More standing and getting their teeth into whatever stage they were working on...

.... and time to start assembling everything together.

 Sheena had finished hers and wanted to get on the motorway and couldn't stay for our group photo but don't you just love the variations of colour she achieved?

From left to right back row - Hazel, Nikki, Jane, Cathryn, Me, Gillian, Kate, Ann, Anne, Jacqui, Margaret and Sue and on the fron row - Lynda, Chris, Carol, Kathy, Diane and Heather.

Thank you ladies for such an enjoyable day, I was super impressed by the finished canvases and would have loved to take them all home myself.

Here is my original -

The next workshop will be on the 12th September where I will introduce more new DecoArt media paints techniques and we will use them to make a configurations book, I hope you will be able to join us.

Happy Sunday and have a great week ahead.

hugs Brenda xxx


  1. What a brilliant day it was Brenda, I really enjoyed myself. The hall is indeed so light and airy and the tea and cakes on tap is perfect for busy crafters. The finished canvases were all great to see and my hubbie was very impressed with mine. Thanks for such a great workshop xx

  2. Glad you enjoyed it Jane - I did too. Everyone's canvas was beautiful xxx

  3. Thank you for sharing the photos. Looks like a fun day. Beautiful work.

  4. Wow, I really need to move overseas!! Looks like everyone had such a wonderful time and your original piece is so stunning! Thanks for sharing all your photos, it's nice to put faces to some of the familiar names, and meet some new faces. hugs :)

  5. Great day, great company and Brenda's normal high standard of prep and tuition. Some great new ideas and techniques learned. Nikki x

  6. Looks like a wonderful time was had by all, lovely canvases and lucky ladies to be able to attend the workshop!
